
Need to pick your HES student up early??

Want them to go home on the bus instead of going to After Care? 

Any change, even if they will be going out for an appointment and coming back to school the same day, please follow instructions below:

Whenever there is any change to how a student is dismissed during the school day or at the end of the day, Parents/Guardians must submit this change through the Change in Dismissal Form  found on our website. 

This form needs to be completed by 11am on the day of the change and for each day that the change is requested.  Dismissal changes are not accepted via Genesis, email, phone call, handwritten note, etc. 

Please go to Hillsborough Elementary School's website to access the link on our home page or click directly on the following link: Change in Dismissal Form 

Espanol Solicitud de Cambio al Despido de HOY

For your convenience, please bookmark this link on your phone, tablet, and/or computer.