HES Main Office

HES Star Logo

Hillsborough Elementary School

435 Route 206

Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Telephone: (908) 431-6600

Fax: (908) 874-3693

Home of the STARS

The main office at Hillsborough Elementary School is open daily from 8:00-3:20.  The office staff will not answer the front door from 2:45 until the buses depart daily for dismissal procedures.   

Office Policies and Procedures

After-School Program: 

Please remember to advise the after-school program if your child will not be attending for any reason, including class trips, illnesses, etc.

Calling School:

The entire school district has a main phone number, 908-431-6600. When dialing that number you will be told that "if you know your party's extension, you may dial it at any time". At that time, you can dial any staff member's extension without pressing prompts to transfer you to Hillsborough Elementary School. If you do need to speak with someone at HES, you will have to press 4 and then when prompted, press 2.  You will then hear options for HES. Press 1 to report an absence, 2 for the nurse, 3 for school counselor, and 4 for the main office. You will not hear a prompt to enter a teacher's extension at this time, as that can be done when calling the main number.

Change in Dismissal / Early Dismissal or Pick Up: 

Please note that Parents/Guardians must submit their student's change in dismissal through the Dismissal Change Request Form below. This form should be completed by 11am, but no later than 2:30 PM and for each day that the change is requested.   We do not accept dismissal changes via email, phone call, handwritten note, etc.  Please navigate through Hillsborough Elementary School's website to access the link on our home page or click on the following link: 

Dismissal Change Request Form - English

Dismissal Change Request Form - Spanish

For your convenience, please bookmark this link on your phone, tablet, and/or computer.

In order to ensure a safe dismissal for all of our students, please be advised that NO dismissal changes will be made after 2:30 PM for the same day. If there is an emergency and a dismissal change is necessary after 2:30 PM, you must call the main office at HES- (908) 431-6600. Option 4 then 2, then 4  AND receive confirmation from the office.  The main office is closed from 2:40 until our buses depart.

When you arrive at the school, please park in a spot on the 206 side of the school and come to the front door, opposite the flagpole.  Ring the bell to speak with someone in the office.   Students will be brought to the Main Office Security Vestibule where you will sign them out on the sign out sheet. In addition to filling out the google form, please email the classroom teacher the day of the event so they can assure your child is prepared with homework/assignments and is prepared to leave when requested.

Thank you for your help and cooperation to ensure the safety and welfare of all Hillsborough Elementary School Children.

Daily Attendance:

Please do not record your child's attendance in Genesis yourself.  Homeroom teachers will take attendance in class, and that will count for your child's daily attendance.

If you enter your attendance for your student, it adds an unnecessary step for our staff.

Emergency Information:

Please check the Parent Portal to make sure that you have at least three emergency contacts listed, and that these numbers are active and the mailbox is not full. These people should be in reach during the school day and must be available to pick up your child from school quickly in the event that he/she is symptomatic and you are unavailable to come yourself. Only the parent listed under “Guardian 1” in Genesis is able to make these changes due to system constraints. Parent Portal on Genesis  If your phone numbers (work, home, cell), contacts, and/or emergency procedures change, please remember to update the Genesis Parent Portal as soon as possible so it is always up-to-date.

Emergency/Early Dismissal:  

If there is an emergency/early dismissal, it is imperative your child understands and knows your family’s emergency plan and where he/she needs to go at dismissal.  If weather is a factor, we want to be sure all our children arrive at their destinations safely.  Please be sure the information provided on the first day of school is kept current.

Late/Tardy Arrivals: 

When arriving to school after the 8:30 AM bell, students must be driven to the front of the school. Park in a parking spot and accompany your student to the Main Office Security Vestibule to sign them in. Lunch information will be obtained at this time.

Lost and Found:

Please remind your child(ren) to check for missing belongings!  Students can look at the rack outside the gym if they are missing an item.  Please remember to label your children's backpack, lunch boxes, and particularly, outer wear, so we can easily return items to their owners. During warm days, children tend to start out with their jackets on and discard them outside during lunch or recess.


All visitors must report immediately to the Main Office Security Vestibule.  Please assist us with this important requirement.

Visitors Stickers/Badges:

These are located in the Main Office Security Vestibule and must be worn while visiting school property.   They may be obtained after signing in.  Parents may not visit classrooms unannounced for any reason.  Our goal is to have as few interruptions to the school day as possible.