School Info
281 Auten Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
908-431-6600, Option 3
All visitors must present a valid ID upon entering the building. All visitors must have permission from the office to visit any part of our building. All visitors must wear the proper visitor pass while in the building. Students are NOT permitted to bring visitors to school.
No student may leave grounds early without being signed out of the Main Office. We ask that if you wish your child to leave early you abide by the following:
If you are going to pick your child up early from school, we ask that it is before 3:30 p.m. If not, we ask that you wait to dismissal time.
Enter the early dismissal in Genesis under Attendance, Notify Attendance Office.
Students are asked to bring a signed note to the office during homeroom if access to Genesis is unavailable.
Enter a note in Genesis via the parent portal (preferred method) or call the absentee line 431-6600 (option 3 for Auten Road School, then option 1 for absentee line) if your child is going to be absent or late. If your child is absent more than one school day and is well enough to complete school work, please contact your child’s teachers to inquire about assignments/homework. Students will be given one day for each day absent to complete assignments/homework.
Every effort is made to ensure that your child has a safe bus ride to and from school. Students are not allowed to ride on other student's buses. Busing arrangements are made through our district transportation office. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's transportation arrangement you may call the transportation office at 431-6600 X2690.